Mandala Tales

Mandala Mantra Hri with Dragons and Phoenixes - 59.8x54.5 cm

Rare Mandala Mantra with Dragons and Phoenixes

Mandala Mantra Hri with Dragons and Phoenixes - 59.8x54.5 cm

Rare Mandala Mantra with Dragons and Phoenixes

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In this Mandala, the inscriptions are a mantra in Tibetan language, or a repeated prayer, in order to support the symbol in the center, which gives meaning to the Mandala. The written prayer is pronounced: "Om-mani-padme-hum" and the meaning attributed, is universal love and compassion, which represent the foundations of Buddhism.
This mantra is probably the most famous and used in Tibetan Buddhism, and if pronounced repeatedly it has a beneficial effect in the psyche and mind.

​ ​​ ​ ​Symbol in the center :

- The HRI symbol is a "seed" syllable, and is the symbol of compassion and love. It represents the realization of the blessing of all life. 

- The syllables inside Lotus flower petals make up the Om-Ma-Ni-Pad-Me-Hum Mantra. 

- Lotus flower : the symbol indicates and recalls purity, beauty, fertility, transformation and self-healing ability. It is not a coincidence that in the iconography of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they are depicted sitting on a lotus flower-shaped throne. 

​In the external corners there are 4 Wheel of Dharma :

- Wheel of Dharma : it represents and strengthens the moral discipline that allows us to have a harmonious mind and a stable thought in the continuous change of things. Symbol of mastery and understanding of the emptiness of all phenomena.
In the internal corners and in the middle of the frame there are 4 Dragons and 2 Phoenixes :
- For asian traditions, Dragons and Phoenixes are considerate an helpful and benevolent sacred mythical beasts. They bring health, energy, wisdom, prosperity, abundance, longevity, transformation abilities and power. According to Tibetan legends, dragons have the ability to communicate ideas as well as a strong ability to discern what is true from what is fake. The Tibetan dragon is a strong symbol of luck and used to attract good of fortune.
Phoenix represents the transformation and transmutation from material to spiritual world. This is the process of regeneration.
Dragon and Phoenix are also the protector of Buddhist Knowledge. 

The 3 spheres Green, Blue and Red represent 3 fundamental aspects that make up the spiritual essence of the human being : Mind, Soul and Spirit.
Through the union of these three parts, the Self-Knowledge arises out.
Stabilize this state of "Perfect Union" means, reaching the Enlightenment.

The material is cotton canvas, and the colors are water-soluble pigments, both minerals and organic materials, tempered with a solution of grass and glue

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